
0030 6989235680

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Pisses , 84002 , GRECIA

Tour A proposito di Pisses

Tour About in Pisses

Having covered a wonderful course from Korissia or Ioulida, full of images of wild beauty which combine the wonders of nature with the “barren” scenery, noticing at times the various trees in blossom, the shrubby plants, the wild flowers and some other times the characteristic shores made of stone with dry stone walls, the fertile land and the green-blue waters of the sandy beach of Pisses open wide in front of your eyes and welcome you. We are talking about an area of great natural resources and an important historical background.

Pisses is bright green place, overgrown with orchards and cultivations of every different type of fruit-bearing trees, is considered one of the most thickly-populated but also one of the most significant settlements of the island in terms of history. When you visit this rich land, don’t fail to savour its fruits, as our territory with its traditional and celebrated market gardeners, provisions the greatest part of the population of our island with fruit and vegetables of exceptional quality.

If you are keen walkers we propose that you walk through the path: Panachra-Saint Marina-Pisses-Beach of Pisses or Kato Meria-Pisses-Beach of Pisses. This specific trail is the twelfth one charted and registered as Poiiessa and it belongs to “the trails of Cultural Interest” This itinerary will certainly compensate you, as you will cross through regions of particular archeological interest, such as the Tower of Saint Marina, rocky mountain sides of unparalleled beauty, bright green orchards and you will finally end up in the wonderful seaside of Pisses.

Do you love history? Just follow a unique trail into “the past” and travel about through the historical relics in ancient Poiiessa, which used to be one of the four ancient city-states of the island. This city used to be mainly agricultural due to its position on the southern side of the fertile valley. Ancient Poiiessa, whose gate is found on the eastern side, is surrounded on the other grounds with towers that complement the fortification. In its inner part you can clearly discern some relics, characteristic sample of its antique habitation, whereas on the northern side of the valley you will be able to walk around the spot, where the cemeteries of the town were formerly situated. The connection of the past with the present is made in a peculiar, odd way as today’s Church of the Blessed Virgin-The Transfiguration of Christ not only is placed exactly on the spot where in former times dominated the Acropolis and the temple of Apollo but it is also constructed with the same antique structural materials. The view from the top of the hill is breathtaking. Gaze on the boundless open sea. If you look downwards, you will actually track down the beautiful shore of Pisses, while if you look towards a westward direction, you will notice exactly on the opposite quarters, upon another hill on a straight line, another very impressive temple of antiquity, the temple of Poseidon in Sounio.

Aim at being present in the region of Pisses on the 6th of August. Don’t give away your best chance to attend the divine service that is celebrated at the chapel and then fully participate in the traditional feast of Tzia that follows and takes place on the beach.


Having completed your brief “journey” into the past, you can enjoy moments of unwinding and jauntiness that the beauty of the beach of Pisses offers on its golden sands. Relax by drinking your coffee or refreshments under the shade of one of the trees along the shore, either in one of the public umbrellas or in one the private umbrellas and comfortable deck-chairs, as one part of the beach is organized and dive into the crystal clear, deep-blue waters. The seashore of Pisses is also an ideal place for you to marvel at the idyllic sunset, whereas in the early evening you can sit in the small picturesque pier, relaxing under the soothing sounds of the sea or even test your abilities at fishing.

For all of you who desire to have a let-up during your voyage, you can find shelter at the gulf of Pisses that is the perfect anchorage for crafts of small sizes in the little jetty or for bigger pleasure crafts which have small wherries, in order to go ashore.

……………………And ramble in the nearby grounds

Following the road from Pisses towards Kato Meria


Koundouros is a district of exquisite beauty combined with a cosmopolitan atmosphere. The country residences made of stone will certainly attract your attention. These dwellings are renowned for the impressive architecture and they are fully attuned to the traditional landscape, the seashore of Koundouros, one of the most popular ones on the island, which has won several distinctions, especially over the last years, with the prize of “Blue Flag” for its clear waters, as well as for its rendering of services (e.g. umbrellas, deck-chairs, café, beach bar, restaurant, lifeguard). After the picturesque chapel of Saint Emilianos and the beach of Koundouros, you will also see the marvelous and peculiar beach of Bouri in which, apart from the sunshades and deck-chairs, you will also have the chance to do various sea-sports. Continuing your course on the coastal road, you will find a large number of other beaches, less popular ones but characterized by great beauty, such as Lighia, Kampi, where there is also a tavern, Liparo, choosing each time on tour own, where you prefer to swim.


Organize a one-day trip and visit Karthea!
You can reach this region by following many itineraries. The most famous one has its starting post at Stavroudaki. You will go up to that point by car, and from that point onwards, after 400m of earth-road, you will take the ancient stone-paved track that will lead you down to the beach of Karthea, which is of unequalled beauty. This particular lane belongs to “the trails of Cultural Interest”/ , it is charted and registered as Path 6, “Karthea network” Stavroudaki-Halkidio-Vathipotamos spring-Karthea. There are also other routes to follow: Path 5“Karthea network”, Kato Meria-Kalodouka-Vathipotamos spring-Karthea, as wells as Path 7, “Karthea network”, Chavouna-Saint Taxiarchis-Pigadaki-Kaliskia-Karthea. Whichever road you may pick, you will be enchanted with the wild nature as well as by the glamour that this territory has exuded from the ancient times up to this day. As soon as you arrive at Karthea you may very well take a rest by stopping at the Chapel of Virgin Mary and by swimming in the magnificent waters of the sandy beach.
After having rested, explore the area! Karthea was one of the four city-states that existed in Kea during the ancient times. Observe that on the south end of the rise are situated on the north, the temple of Athena, on the south, the temple of Apollo. In the valley of Vathipotamos, there is a theatre and part of the system of the water supply of the town. On the eastern end of the Acropolis, you will see the burial ground.

Kato Meria

If you wish to have a taste of the open air of Tzia and of the agrarian life of the island, just visit the settlement of Kato Meria. This place will bring into mind images of a traditional image, as there is the central square and around that, there is the quant church of St.Nikolas, the Primary School along with the Nursery School, a small grocer’s shop, a traditional coffee-shop and a tavern. The inhabitants occupy themselves mainly with stock-rearing and farming and many of them produce local goods of exceptional quality, which you have the opportunity to obtain. Within the settlement of Kato Meria, at approximately 600m to 700m from the village square, you may visit the church of St. Apostles. You can also pay a visit to the church of St. Timotheos, 2 km from Kato Meria. Right there dominates the newly-built church of byzantine rhythm next to the cave where the Saint used to lead a hermit’s life throughout the summer and from which pure water gushes out.

Proceeding your trip and heading towards Ioulida, make a diversion at the crossing towards St. Symeon. A little bit later, you will be charmed by the image of the Chapel of St. Symeon (who is honoured with a glorious fair every 1st of September), which is located on the homonymous hill, while on the ascend you will surely feel a great admiration for the splendid view of the open sea as well as for the simplicity of the white rural houses. Following the gully which goes through the rise, you can go to the solitary beach of Saint Philip.

Returning towards the central road, after some kilometers, you will spot Pera Meria. If you are a nature lover, we recommend that you saunter about the region. There you are going to find forests wooded with oak-trees or the so called Dryads (a kind of royal oak-tree) as the inhabitants of Tzia call them. In the older times, the collection of these oak-trees, used to be the main source of income for a family in Tzia. From the area of Pera Meria you will be led to wards the marvelous beaches of Sikamia and Kalidonichi.

Following the road from Pisses towards Ioulida

Saint Marina

En route to Ioulida, always moving on the main road, you will distinguish from far away the tower of Saint Marina overlooking the grounds, next to which you will find the homonymous byzantine Monastery. Proceeding, from the district of Sklavonikola you may visit the beaches of Kalogyros and Vroskopos.